Showing posts with label Skin Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skin Health. Show all posts

Monday 28 March 2022


Cloves are the dried flower buds of clove trees. Cloves can be used not only as a spice but also as a medicine.

Health Benefits:

1) Promotes digestion

Cloves improve digestion, If the food is not digested, putting two cloves in the mouth will make the nausea go away.

2) Boosts Immune system

Clove is very efficient against many harmful bacteria, Fungi and viruses. Chewing cloves can relieve from Cold and cough.

3) Aching tooth

Due to its antiseptic properties clove oil is used as remedy for toothache, sore gums, and mouth ulcers. It eliminates bad breath. American dental association accepted clove oil as dental anaesthetic

4) Protect against Cancer

Some researches found that the compounds present in cloves helps to fight cancer. The Eugenol present in cloves possesses strong anticarcinogenic (anticancer) properties and helps control lung cancer, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer at its early stages.

5) Controls B.P and Sugar levels.

6) Headache

To get rid of headache eat two cloves daily.

7) Reduce ulcers

Cloves can help with mouth and stomach ulcers problems. Our stomach is lined (or) covered with mucus and when this mucus becomes thin many ulcers form in our stomach. Cloves make this mucus thick and helps to prevent ulcers from developing and existing to heal.

8) Cloves improve liver functioning.

9) For bone health

Cloves improve bone density and mineral content in bones. 

Saturday 11 December 2021

These are the benefits of eating cloves...

Helps reduce stress.

Eliminates inflammation in the body.

Protects against infections and bacteria.

Regulates blood sugar level.

Avoid dental problems.

Eliminates digestive problems.

లవంగాలు తింటే కలిగే ప్రయోజనాలివే..

ఒత్తిడికి తగ్గించడంలో సహాయపడుతుంది.

శరీరంలో వాపు ను దూరం చేస్తుంది.

ఇన్ఫెక్షన్లు, బ్యాక్టీరియా నుండి రక్షిస్తుంది.

రక్తంలో చక్కెర స్థాయిని నియంత్రిస్తుంది.

దంత సమస్యలను దూరం చేస్తాయి.

జీర్ణ సమస్యలు దూరం చేస్తాయి.

Monday 29 November 2021


          Egg is a high protein food, but it has many benefits not only for physical strength but also for the skin. In general a egg contains 3.6 grams of protein. Egg yolk promotes skin health. One egg white is enough for one person as a face mask. Egg white can helps with oily skin and can prevent cysts and pimples. We can use egg white as the base of the liquid mixture and we can add other ingredients for different problems to create a face mask. 

Benefits of Egg white face mask:

1) Egg white face mask removes excess oil, dirt and dead cells on your face. It regulate sebum product which causes oily skin.

2) By applying egg white on upper lips, fore head we can remove unwanted hair in those areas. 

3) Egg white hydrates the skin.

4) Egg white clear your dirty skin to get rid of pimples, and other blemishes.

5) Sun exposure makes our skin Tan, this face mask protect us from UV rays, Egg white face mask improves our skin colour and protect from sun burn.

6) It is very useful in getting rid of blackheads. 

7) Selenium, Zinc, and omega fatty acids which are present in egg acts as anti-ageing agents.


          Did you know that your nails reveal evidence of your overall health? Nail health shows that how well our body is working. A soft and consistent colour nails is called 'Healthy nails'.

General abnormalities of our nails

1) Change in nail colour

2) Nail shape change

3) Brittle Nails

4) Swelling around nails

5) Bleeding around nails

          The white area in the shape of a half circle of the bed of fingernails (or) toenails is called Lunula. If any damage to this Lunula causes the nail to stop growing. Based on the Lunula and color of the nails we can guess the health problem. 

1) No half moons (or) Lunula 

          The half circle shaped white area of the bed of fingernails is called Fingernail moon, from the Latin word Lunar its name is taken as Lunula. For some people these are  present under the skin. If these Lunula suddenly disappeared means the person may have Anemia, Malnutrition.

2) Red or yellow colour

          Red or Yellow colour spots present on nails are a sign of Heart problems.

3) Nail becomes yellow

          Yellow nails are relatively common, usually this is caused due to Infection. You must consult a doctor if this colour persists for a long time.

4) Bluish nails

          Blue nails mean that the body is not getting enough oxygen. It refers to a lung and lung problem such as Emphysema. This is also a sign of getting Diabetes in near by future. Some heart problems are associated with Blue nails.

5) Black lines

Some times these can be appear brown or dark red. These are also called as Splinter Hemorrhage, Black lines. When accidentally slamming a door (or) window on your finger, your finger will become black due to clotting of blood. In some cases due to one type of skin cancer called 'Melanoma' dark lines appear beneath the nails, So dont neglect the black lines on your finger.

6) Small Lunula

If we have small lunula, some times it is an indication of poisonous content in our body.

Saturday 27 November 2021

Basil Plant Health Benefits

 Basil is a flavorful, delicious, leafy green herb that Originally native to Asia and Africa. Basil is a sacred and rich herb in India. It’s a member of the mint family, and there are many varieties. This fragrant herb is used as a seasoning in a variety of dishes, and plays a key role in Italian and Thai cuisine.

Basil Plant

In this article we will explain to you about basil, its benefits and uses.

Health Benefits

· Prevents skin diseases, generally we use the pill and ointment form for eczema treatment.

Basil Plant

· Prevents shroud

· Eliminates worms in the stomach

· Increases appetite

· Reduces joint pains and inflammation 

· Use its fresh flowers for bronchitis.

· Use the leaves and seeds, with black pepper, for malaria.

· Use the whole plant for diarrheanausea, and vomiting.

· Use an alcohol extract for stomach ulcers and eye diseases.

· Use an essential oil made from the leaves for insect bites.

Cancer Prevention

Its phytochemicals can help to protect against different types of cancer, including lung cancerliver canceroral cancer, and skin cancer.

Blood Sugar Regulation

Adding basil to your diet may help to reduce high blood sugar levels. Improves the blood circulatory system


Tuesday 23 November 2021

Remove blackheads

          Some people have a pretty face to look at but have trouble with blackheads on either side of the nose. Those who suffer from it can get the best result by following tips.

          Take cucumber paste and lemon juice in equal proportions and mix well. Apply this on your face, after it becomes dry wash your face with cold water. Daily before taking bath taking this pack is also good for your skin health. Any skin type people (like dry, oily, normal skin type people) also can use this pack.

          Mix two to three drops of rose water in raw milk and apply on the face. After drying, if you have dry skin, wash your face with cold water and if you have oily skin, wash your face with lukewarm water.

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